Slavic Agmas: a way to communicate with the highest forces

Slavic Agmas: a way to communicate with the highest forces

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Slavic Agma is a type of mantras that help a person to turn to the highest forces and the forces of nature to get help and protection. Let’s talk about the types and rules for reading such texts.


Old Slavonic Agmas differ from the Vedic Mantra in what consist of only one word, in rare cases – from two or three. Listening or reading such words, a person launches processes on a thin level of spiritual body.

It is not necessary to think about it in the meaning of words, it is not necessary to understand them. Much more important to tune in to the right way and enter the meditation state.

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It is believed that Slavic Agmas affect each of the chakras, help energy freely move around the body, which in the end strengthens health, protects the energy from the entire negative coming from the outside.

Slavic Agma can be used as an independent mantra and apply in conspiracies. But, unlike ordinary conspiracies, the strength of AGM is much higher – they help to get close to spirituality and awareness.

How to read Agma right?

It is important to listen to Slavic Agma correctly, then their effectiveness will be high. There are some recommendations that need to be adhered to:

  1. Do not abuse. Unlike Vedic Mantras, to use which can be regularly and daily, Slavic will not suffer constancy. They have a sufficiently powerful force, seriously charged energy, therefore, with frequent use, they stop working.
  2. Before practicing the reading of the Old Slavonic Mantra, you must understand for what purpose they will be used. Do not use them for entertainment or from idle curiosity – risk harvesting your soul.
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Therefore, it is clearly specifying your desire or a question, and then start listening to the old Slavonic Agma. After making a rite, you can stop using texts – as soon as the goal is reached, go back to them again, with a new question.


There are several common AGMs, each of which is used with a specific purpose. For example, this AGMA is aimed at obtaining assistance or protection of higher forces in a severe life situation:

But such a Slavic mantra is applied before bedtime. She helps to enter the state of meditation, calm the consciousness, attract positive in life:

To enhance the action of the mantra, it is performed by the sign of the Vedon. It must fit your sex.

Chakras Agma

The ancient Slavs also used knowledge about chakrah – the energy centers of the human thin body located in certain places. But the names of these chakras disagree with those applying in Vedic knowledge.

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From the point of view of Slavs, there are ten major chakras in the human body, located from the top of the stop:

  • 10, the upper chakra, located on the Makushka – Spring. For the study of this chakra, the mantra is used.
  • 9 Chakra Man. It corresponds to mantra yes.
  • 8 chakra settling with Agma Ba.
  • 7: Lada – Pa Semargl Yaga.
  • 6: Lelia – Ma Kostroma Yaga.
  • 5: The bright – ka Troyan-Yaga.
  • 4: Belly – Om Ra-degaste Yaga.
  • 3: Zagor – about Tanya-Yaga.
  • 1: Root – Or Lelya Yaga.

You can listen to Old Slavonic Agmas or read those that are used entirely to the entire energy membrane of a person: they interact with all chakras immediately:

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Protective older Slavonic Agma.

This text helps protect yourself from negative, which comes from people configured to you negatively. Reading such text puts the energy barrier between you and your enemies, ill-wishers, envious, gossip groups:

Important: Read Agma’s words as clearly as possible. It is better to memorize the text by heart not to get back at a responsible moment.

Appeal to the highest forces

These texts help call bright forces to help in a critical situation. In what cases such agmas can be useful:

  • You suspect that someone wants to bring damage to you, the evil eye or otherwise intervene in your life (for example, to make a spell).
  • You were on the threshold of an important choice, which will depend on the entire further life. Reading the mantra will help adopt the only true and correct solution.

Total four texts. Choose the one that the most will answer in the shower, the sounds of which are pleasant to you.

We also recommend to watch this video about Slavic Agmas:

There is another Agma, which works great if you passionately want something and want to get the desired. She helps turn the desire to intent, increase its strength. After reading the mantra, the Universe itself will take care that you find opportunities to achieve a cherished goal:

Common Slavic Agma

In short, we will tell about the main texts of the ancient Slavs who helped in different spheres of human life:

  1. Agma “Rogoy” is truly family, helps to preserve and multiply the well-being of the family, to make the union of spouses happy and harmonious.
  2. Agma “Point” is healing. It was used for the speedy recovery of the patients, helped to protect against the rhodes, stop the black lane in life.
  3. Agma “Drago” attracts decent representatives of the opposite sex people in your life. It is used when it is necessary to gain personal happiness. Indirect action – attracts money to life.
  4. Agma “Urra” – Mantra for the one who seeks to know the new one. Facilitates the search for calling, helps in work and study, attracts new opportunities for self-development.
  5. Agma “Fel” helps a person in a difficult situation, at a crossroads, choose the right direction in which to move in life.
  Slavic Mantras Agma - Listen online

Remember that Slavic Agma is enough to practice only once, you should not repeat daily. Wait until the goal is fulfilled, and then come back to reading the ancient mantras.

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