Mantra of wealth and prosperity goddess Lakshmi – Practice

Mantra of wealth and prosperity goddess Lakshmi – Practice

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The goddess Lakshmi is revered in Vedic culture as a patron of fertility, wealth and well-being. Mantra of the wealth and prosperity of Goddess Lakshmi is one of the most sought-after in Hinduism. Since ancient times, merchants and merchants have attracted their own novels and requests to Lakshmi about granting success in work.

Another aspect of the goddess is femininity and beauty – it is considered the patroness of a homely hearth, gives women charm, virtue and everyday wisdom. How to contact the Divine and how many times you need to say mantras? We will also consider the question of why Mantor Lakshmi practices brings much more than financial prosperity and success.

Lakshmi in Vedic culture

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Who is the Goddess of Lakshmi and why do millions of people in the world worship? Vedes argue that the goddess appeared from the lotus flower, which was floating in the original ocean of life. Many images can be seen by Lakshmi with a lotus leaving the ocean waves. Four hands of the goddess symbolize 4 aspects:

  • prosperity;
  • physical enjoyment;
  • virtue;
  • Liberation of the soul from captivity of sin.

The goddess patronizes successful and hardworking people, loves luxury and enjoyment of terrestrial wealth. She gives their pets abundance, material benefits and wisdom. Lakshmi can help run business, eliminate the obstacle and open the way to achieve the goal. However, a person who appeals for help from the Divine must have a sincere heart and not to use the patronage of heaven to harm competitors.

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When a person needs luck and luck, he turns to Ganesh and Lakshmi. If a person is pursued by failures and bad luck, it is believed that his house left the goddess Lakshmi. For a request for prosperity, the image of the goddess in golden colors is chosen. Roseller Lakshmi is asked about the manifestation of mercy and compassion, because the wrath of the goddess deprives a person of success in life. If the goddess is depicted next to Vishnu, she is asked about well-being in the house.

How to contact the goddess

To earn the favor of the goddess and enter the resonance with its vibrations, you need to practice mantras using its name.

Mantra Lakshmi sounds like this:

Another glorifying mantra sounds like this:

Both mantras repeat the odd number of times, a multiple of three – 12, 24, 108. The more repetitions you say, the more dense you will enter the energy of the goddess.

The attention and favor of the deity can be attracted by placing a statuette in the house or printing an image on the printer. Worship God always brings their favor.

For successful practice, mantras needs to combine the repetition of sacred sounds with meditation to the image. To achieve success in life, Gayatri Lakshmi Mantra practices for 36 days 108 times at sunrise.

The symbols of the goddess that attract its energy are all major flowers, lapis, jade yellow or red. Metal expressing abundance of Lakshmi is gold.

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Altar goddess can be made independently. To do this, cover the surface with a new cloth with golden threads, put the statuette and symbols – gold decoration, stones, flowers. You can wait aroma with the smell of lotus or other colors.

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At any time, you can include a record of the glorifying Lakshmi mantra and meditate on its image:

For good luck in the career

People with pure thoughts Lakshmi helps to achieve social recognition and high position in society. However, if the human heart becomes worn and false, luck, given by the goddess, will leave him forever.

For career growth, practicing a special Gayatri mantra should be practicing (at least 108 repetitions at once) 36 days in a row, starting with the growth time of the Moon:

Do not forget that one of the main aspects of the goddess is mercy and compassion. If a person is tough and not going to fix, contact with the goddess will be impossible to achieve.

Mantra of wealth and prosperity – Practice Sadhana Lakshmi

To never live in need, you need to constantly be in the stream of the Goddess of Prosperity. Most people are confident that one-time appeal is quite enough. It should not be surprised that with this approach to the practice of Mantra, they do not succeed.

Mantra Lakshmi for money and wealth repeats many times throughout life. Practice Sadhana Lakshmi was transferred to the pupil of the sage Rishi Vasishthi for regular use. On Friday evening, it is necessary to take a bath or shower, to sit before the image of the goddess face to the east and sing the mantra:

Then one should sing another mantra. A special number of times using a rosary: ​​repeating 21 times one circle of rosary from one hundred eight beads. That is, one circle of repeating mantra is 108 pronunciations. Such circles should be exactly 21.

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Practice Sadhana Lakshmi eliminates man from needs, grief and everyday difficulties.

Lakshmi, Ganesh and Kuber

These three Vedic deities personify good luck, prosperity and wealth. However, they have different functions. Hindu god Ganesh is considered a patron of wisdom and helps to eliminate any obstacles to achieving success, Lakshmi opens up to prosperity. Kuber is responsible for cash, that is, it is more suitable for the Treasurer function. In the Vedic Tradition, these deities can be mentioned together. Practicing the following mantra, you can achieve incredible success in business or career:

During the practice of Mantra, you can put a cash bill in front of you – it will become a cash talisman. It is impossible to spend this bill. After reading the mantra, jump on the bill three times to charge it with the energy of success and attraction of money. Each time the bill will be filled with vibrations of abundance and prosperity and with time will become a powerful mascot personal monetary success.

One should never ask Lakshmi, Ganesh and Cubera to deal with business competitors. The function of these deities does not include the punishment of someone. Just ask to remove obstacles, clean the way to prosperity and thank with love in my heart for your help.

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