How to understand what they smoothed you: signs and symptoms

How to understand what they smoothed you: signs and symptoms

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How to understand what they smoothed you? There are certain symptoms and signs, with which you can determine if you have traces of magical impact. Also, special rites are used to diagnose the damage or evil. Consider the topic detail.

We are looking for traces of black magic

The damage or evil eye is a negative magical intervention in human life, and magic, especially, dark, always leaves the traces. Therefore, we will tell you how to understand that you have a damage or evil eye, and you are looking for listed signs.

The most common symptoms of the evil eye or damage are as follows:

  1. Health suffers. A person falls immunity, chronic diseases are sharpened, he feels bad, often sick, may not pick up the incomprehensible sore, the reason for which the doctors cannot be determined.
  2. If the damage or evil eye is hooked in order to breed you with your loved one, problems may arise in relationships. These are conflicts, belling, quarrels. You seem to cease to hear each other, the partner is incredibly annoying, and it seems that you are mistaken with the choice of a life satellite.
  3. You did not have time to recover from one disease, as if you immediately get sick with something else.
  4. The financial well-being and career things are suffering. A person under the action of the evil eye can dismiss, fined. He can lose all its condition and property due to an unforeseen case.

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Noteworthy is the fact that the culprit of the damage could smooth you unconsciously, not specifically. This happens when a person is experiencing a strong envy to someone else’s success. Not in vain say that happiness loves silence. Smaller, praise with your success – the fewer people will envy you, the more you are protected from a random evil eye.

How to understand what they smoothed you or caused damage on general symptoms:

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  1. You have become quickly tired, often develop and gained extreme scattering. Of course, these signs can be attributed to damage only if you didn’t notice such phenomena in your life.
  2. The person who was smoothed, is distinguished by extremely slowness and intensity of reactions. He has always lost sight: it is a feeling that this is a child that is lost in the crowd and lost mom.
  3. It is not capable of managing the initiative in any, even the most elementary situation. The brain as if refuses to generate ideas, a person becomes addicted to help and solving others.
  4. It’s often angry, annoyed about and without. Because of this, relationships with loved ones can be seriously spoiled, and with all the surroundings in principle.
  5. Provocates quarrels and conflicts with family members, with colleagues, even in public places can arrange a scandal and involve completely unfamiliar people in it. There is also a serious aggravation of the long-term conflicts.
  6. A person constantly feels unpleasant tingling, sometimes burning in the area of ​​solar plexus.

Symptoms are very different. But the difficulty is that, even if you know how to understand that you are damaged, you can never be sure using only these methods.

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Some of them are typical for quite ordinary people for whom no one has conducted magic rites. For example, irritability or fatigue can be symptoms of conventional overwork.

How to understand whether you have a damage or evil eye: folk ways

There are simple rites that used in the people in order to determine if there is a damage on a person. One of these rites is the diagnosis of damage with an ordinary chicken egg.

Take the fresh egg and pour clean water into a glass glass. There are nuances:

  • Check that the egg is fresh. Lower it into the water – the swirl pops up, the fresh drops on the bottom.
  • Water should be distilled or melt. The perfect option is a spring driver. But this is not all available, so try to at least use water from the natural source.
  • You will not be able to test yourself to the evil eye or damage alone, so ask someone from relatives or loved ones to help you. It is very important that this person also believed in the magic rituals was not a skeptic.

Sit on the chair in the afternoon. Your assistant must get up behind and put a glass with water on your head. One hand he holds the capacity, and the other – breaks the egg right into the glass. Then you should wait a few minutes and explore the contents of the glass:

  • If water and egg have not changed any changes, everything is in order with you. Water should remain transparent, the egg is its normal color.
  • If the water has become muddy, and the egg is permeated with white thin threads, this is an alarming mark. He suggests that damage to you, most likely, is.
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If the rite confirmed that you have traces of black magic, remove the glass with the egg to the balcony or another secluded place. In nine days, the egg pierced in the water should be poured under the tree. It is advisable to find a place where the man’s leg is rarely steps.

Watch the video on how to determine the evil eye:

What if you were smoothed?

Alone to get rid of the strong damage to an ordinary person, if it does not have a very powerful energy, almost impossible. It is necessary to refer to people who possess extrasensory and healing abilities.

And the prayers, talismans and sincere appeal to God asking for God to get rid of the messenger evil. True, this method is unlikely to suit atheists. But in the evil eye far from religion, people usually do not believe, preferring to be treated in traditional ways.

Important : If the evil eye is accompanied by poor well-being, do not only mention the power of prayers and healing conspiracies. Be sure to consult a doctor to solve the problem from all sides.

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