How to read and listen to mantras?

How to read and listen to mantras?

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Mantra is a sacred text that is used in meditations to achieve certain purposes. If you want to know how to read and listen to the mantra, read this article.

What is mantra and how does it work?

Mantras are not just a set of words. Each sound is filled with positive vibrations that are able to radically affect the internal state of the person. As a result, the surrounding reality varies from the variable of the internal state. Therefore, mantras are an important part of spiritual practices and enlightening meditations.

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Mantras came to our life from Buddhist teachings. During reading Mantra Refrenom, the sacred words carrying positive energy are repeated. They help customize themselves to the desired way, send the right requests to the universe, thanks to which the desired changes occur.

It is very important while reading mantras tune in to a certain state, choose the right text, choose the right time and place. Let’s talk about how to listen to the mantra correctly, read them so that the manipulations worked.

Basic principles of manter reading

It is important not to confuse mantras with prayers. In some way they are similar, but read absolutely different. The main rules for reading mantras are as follows:

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  1. Watch out for accurate playback of sounds. Each word, each sound will affect your life. Therefore, you need to reproduce the mantra with maximum accuracy and only in Sanskrit.
  2. When pronouncing the most important sound, “OM” need to create vibration in the letter “M”. To succeed, it must be pronounced during the exhalation, directing breathing from the oral cavity to the lower abdomen.
  3. There is a certain number of times to repeat the mantra. Mantra 3, 9, 18, 27 or 108 times is allowed. Moreover, 108-one-time repetition is the most efficient and significant. You can repeat the desired sound and more than once, but make sure that the number of repeats is multiple 9.
  4. To count the number of repetitions, you can use your fingers (bend during each repeat). But much better for this purpose is commercially used. They help not only not to get back from the score, but also relax, enter the meditative state.
  5. One meditation is one mantra. Do not use several mantras immediately. It is better to develop more deeper than superficially somewhat.
  6. Use mantras needed with clean intentions. Their goal is to bear the benefit, and not harm. Therefore, use the sacred texts only in order to benefit yourself and others, and not for mercenary purposes.
  7. Time to read mantras can choose any. But watch your emotional state is positive. When you are upset, evil, offended, refrain from meditation. Wait until you become calm, pacified, joyful and grateful.

In addition to the listed rules, general, there are more specific, which relate to the right manner reading techniques.

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Respiratory control, mind and body

To read the mantras benefit, it is necessary to follow three important aspects:

  • Learn to breathe correctly while working with mantras.
  • To be able to control the mind, set it up on the desired wave, abstract from the extra thoughts and prevent the negative.
  • Follow the relaxation of the physical shell – body. Voltage – always obstacle before the desired result.

Therefore, mantras should be read, being in a state of meditation. It is best to do this lying, only in this position you can relax as much as possible.

It is possible that the first attempts to master the reading of the mantra will end with that you light up. It is not scary and quite predictable – you have not yet learned to control the consciousness well. Repeat attempts, and sooner or later they are crowned with success.

Before you start practicing, memorize the mantra by heart. The easiest way to do it, if you will run sacred text on a calm, measured motive.

Use the mantra texts from proven sources, train the correct pronunciation of sounds – the end result will depend on it.

How to listen to the mantra

Perhaps the study of the mantra you decide to start not with reading, but with listening to the sacred texts. It is easier. But there are also certain rules that must be followed:

  • Breathing during listening should be calm, muscles in the whole body – relaxed. It is necessary to avoid squeezing internal channels for which energy moves.
  • Listen to the mantra can not only at home, but also on the road. But it is better to do it all the same at home and alone, when nothing hits no one, and the situation around will be quiet and calm.
  • If you fell asleep while listening to mantras, do not worry. Such a dream has a healing force and is useful for the body.
  • The number of repetitions of the mantra is the same as when reading, there must be more than 9 or equal to 108.
  • It will be quite good if you mentally repeat the text of the mantra
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Watch the video on how to listen to the mantra correctly:

The effect of listening is not as strong as from reading. But then later you will be easier to learn and play the texts correctly.

With proper use, listening and reading mantras will bring colossal benefits. You will learn to resolve many problems, achieve harmony with yourself, pay relationships with others, you can better understand what is happening around, configure yourself to the right way.

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