What is evil eye, as he manifests itself and eliminates

What is evil eye, as he manifests itself and eliminates

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What is evil eye? If you are interested in this question and you wish to find an answer on it, we advise you to read this article in which the differences of the evil eye from damage are described, the main signs of the evil eye are described, as well as ways to combat negative impact.

Than the evil eye differs from damage

There is a lot of common between the slogony and the damage, but in terms of their influence on the human body, they differ significantly in this indicator.

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Schalz acts on the influence committed at the level of information. It is a negative program that can start acting on a person.

For example, you can be jammed, but for a certain time you will not notice any strange symptoms, your condition will be the same, since your internal energy has resistance to external influence.

But if something unpleasant or you will get sick in your life, the emotional state will deteriorate immediately, the physical potential will weaken, because the sample is formed in your energy body, which will penetrate the evil eye energy. It was then that his action will begin, gradually destroying the aura.

The damage is caused by a completely different principle. In this case, a person is sent to a person so powerful negative energy flow that it cannot be resist. To cope with this will only be a personality that has strong protection and correctly uses it when the danger approaches. But this requires powerful intuition.

The evil eye is not a targeted magical impact, because it has not such a detrimental effect on the human body, as a damage. But almost every person can be smoothed, for this reason it is often difficult to define the nature of the negative program and the selection of the most suitable ritual for its liquidation.

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The main signs of the Schalza

At the physical level, the evil eye manifests itself with such signs:

  • well-being sharply deteriorates;
  • Characterized by the appearance of frequent head or toothache;
  • Man becomes nervous and irritable;
  • quickly tired even from minor loads;
  • dizziness arises;
  • difficulties with falling asleep or increased drowsiness;
  • A man is afraid of sunlight;
  • His mood changes dramatically;
  • A bar of failures in a career or personal relationship.

A positive moment – the evil eye has a short-term effect, which means that the above symptoms are inclined how to quickly appear, and quickly disappear.

Usually the person who suffered from the evil eye is confident that it has faced pathology or suffered from strong overwork. Although there are heavy situations when the evil eye is able to provoke the full degradation of the person and even cause death.

How to remove the evil eye rituals

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rites, with which it is possible to eliminate the negative impact.

Ritual Sloga Ritual

For him, it is necessary to prepare a glass in which the purified water is poured (you can replace the cup), and the boxes with matches.

Burn nine matches to the base, each subsequent is lit from the previous one. And each running match throws into the water, while it should be said:

“Not the eighth … not the seventh … not the sixth …”. You need to immerse all matches into the water.

Then you need to wait a minute: if at least one of the burnt matches will be in a vertical position, you definitely have a evil eye. The greater the number of matches “worth”, the stronger and destructive negative impact.

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In the case when matches continue to be on top, there is no evil eye.

You will need to say:

“Good in the gate, evil left forever!”

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Little crosses on the forehead, chest, shoulders, elbows, wrists and sunny plexus are drawn with water from the glass. Then three times we swallow from the glass, and the remaining water is pouring.

How to urgently protect yourself from the evil

Salt will help to take a negative impact from your person. To do this, you will need to always wear a small amount of it with you. And as soon as you feel a uncomfortable phenomenon – anxiety in the presence of some personality, it means that the person is an energy vampire that feeds on your energy.

Also on the vampire indicates the appearance of sowing in its presence. If you have noticed such a symptom, you will need to quickly reach the salt from the handkerchief and hold it in the right fist. Left brush at the same time put on the region of solar plexus. For yourself, speak the phrase: “I do not give” (meaning energy).

Conspiracy in order not to smooth yourself

The self-seller is an overly active response of a relative any pleasant event that happened to you, about which you constantly tell others.

You probably noticed that as soon as someone was praised for the commission of a good act, as he immediately spoils in his behavior and begins to surprise you unpleasantly.

Or only told a friend about a well-acquired dress, as they found marriage, – and such examples can be given a huge amount. Copyright salt can be protected.

You will need to get up at the mirror, take into my hands a pinch of salt and, peering in my own reflection, pronounce three times:

Ritual Sloga Ritual

The patient who will shoot the evil eye, plant so that his face is drawn to icons. With their absence, put a person so that the face looks to the window. Get up behind him, take a raw egg and lead them towards the clockwise direction around the head. Make a few approaches.

Pay attention to some points:

  • Processing the head in this ritual is worth paying special attention, because during the evil eye the upper energy centers are most affected;
  • After the head, start the spiral-shaped to drop along the spinal column – this is another favorite location of the accumulation of negative energy;
  • Then go to the upper and lower limbs. Do not break the egg from the body, even when you return to the bottom of the spinal column to the hands;
  • During the fulfillment of the rite, it is necessary to read the corresponding prayers: to remove damage, fright, evil eye (you can use others, most importantly, to have a sincere desire to assist a person to the victim from the evil eye);
  • When the rite is completed (its duration ranges from ten to fifteen minutes), you need to take a glass, pour 100 milliliters of water into it and say:
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And when you finish reading, you need to break the egg and splash it into a glass. At the same time, it is important not to damage yolk.

The shell is given in hand and throws onto a sheet of paper. When the manipulation is completed, burn this paper on the ground and jump. In the process, read the well-known prayers: “Our Father”, “Life-giving Cross.”

At the end, it is important to lower your hands on the area of ​​the elbow in cool water.

Now you know what the evil eye is and how to get rid of this negative impact. Try to smallerly share with your joyful news with the surrounding joyful news, tell only what has already happened, and not what is planned.

Finally, browse the video of the evil eye:

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