Reading the Koran from the evil eye and damage: Terms of Use of Protective Sur

Reading the Koran from the evil eye and damage: Terms of Use of Protective Sur

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The reading of the Quran helps from the evil eye and damage. Listening to the sacred suras is useful and to someone who suspects is under a negative magical impact, and to the one who wants to defend against a bad evil eye. Let’s talk about how to read the Quran correctly with these goals.

How to read protective suras right

The Sacred Book of Islam concludes a huge wisdom of ancestors. In the Quran laid a colossal energy, so its suras possess an incredibly powerful protective effect. But the religious texts do not “work”.

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It is important to comply with some rules that suras from the Quran helped you:

  1. You must certainly believe in the vast strength of the ancient texts. This is the first and most important rule. Only your faith can activate powerful protective magic. If faith is not, the reading of the Quran will not help. This is the same thing that try to set a match with water – meaningless.
  2. Only believers in Allah people helps Koran. If you follow in your life canons of another religion, then go to her.
  3. Sura will help a person who not only believes in virtue of the Qur’an, but it follows his commandments. Only clean thoughts and bright actions – no negative and harm. If in the usual life you are the source of evil and negative, you first need to be cleaned, change behavior.
  4. The rite is carried out only at night. And deep, when the sun is already behind the horizon for a long time. If you saw the first morning rays and light, stop reading immediately.
  5. At noon you can also, but the effectiveness will be extremely low.
  6. There are no restrictions on the number of repetitions of each sura. Read and pronounce them as many times as your soul requires.
  7. An ideal place for sacred meditation is a desert. In modern conditions, it is quite difficult to find the desert, so at least try to retire in clean, bright and deserted quiet room.
  8. If you need to remove the damage already, read the Quran on Friday.
  9. It is recommended that the ritual is recommended to be removed, enter into a state of light trance to cleanse consciousness, relax and prepare it.
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At first, you can simply listen to religious cleansing texts. As soon as you understand the correct pronunciation, you can repeat and reproduce them as accurately as possible.

Cleansing at home

If you suspect that too many negative energy accumulated in your home, it is worth making a ritual to cleanse the house with the help of the Quran. But first make sure the problem exists.

Signs of the unfavorable energy situation at home:

  • Households feel tired constantly, do not fall out and quickly tire.
  • Sometimes you hear extraneous noise and sounds, the cause of which is unknown.
  • Houses are constant drafts. Too cool and uncomfortable. Or, on the contrary, it is very stuffy and hot.
  • Insects are constantly growing: it is flushed by the hordes of the midges, then the cockroaches come from neighbors, ants are shuffled.
  • Domestic appliances and equipment are often broken.
  • Anyone is dying, even the most unpretentious indoor plants.
  • Pets are often sick or dying.
  • You have to constantly change the bulbs, because they quickly burn out.
  • Not so long ago a man died in the house.

If you find at least part of the signs, you must definitely clean the dwelling from negative energy.

Such a Muslim prayer will help you:

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Try to feel the essence of religious treatment. Sincerely ask for help and definitely believe that it will come. Imagine how happy you will be happy when the whole negative will leave, and family members will feel calm and good. Visualize these emotions in your mind.

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IMPORTANT: Before prayer for cleansing the house, it is important to take a shower, put on clean clothes. Do not eat and not drink after awakening. Read words clearly, clearly and sincerely. It is advisable to do not talk with anyone and all the remaining day to engage in meditations, spiritual practitioners.

If there is no such possibility, at least minimize contacts with the surrounding people.

We recommend to watch a video about how the suras follows from the evil eye and damage a professional:

Signs of damage

Before treating damage, you need to make sure that you really have it. Signs from the point of view of Islam may be such:

  • Permanent apathy, weakness, no desire to do anything.
  • Frequent desire to sleep, no cheerfulness.
  • Consciousness is changing: even a very much-loved man can become sad and despair, disappointed in life.
  • It smells like mouth.
  • Unpleasant and silent allocations from the genitals.

If you know exactly that some kind of unfiniver brought damage to you, immediately proceed to the energy cleaning with the help of sacred Sur.

Strong Muslim prayer from the evil eye and damage

We note immediately: Islam is extremely negative about any kind of magical rituals. Therefore, adherents of this religion should refrain from various kind of witchcraft.

But to treat poured prayers, according to the Qur’an, it does not take place. The only nuance: no needless needed, you must clearly repeat the words of prayer, not distorting their meaning, without rearring in places and not a carpet.

Here is an example of an excellent prayer that takes off damage:

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Say prayer several times. It is desirable that your close relatives repeat the sacred text several times: during the day and night. It is believed that evil spirits will leave the body of the patient (a person who is damped) and will never dare to penetrate the home that protects Allah himself.

Important: Do not read prayer from a piece, memorize. If you rewrite the sut on a clean sheet, it should be white, not striped or in a cell. Repeat the text every time you feel bad or feel the need for protection against negative (for example, after contact with unpleasant people).

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