Mantra Ganesh will attract good luck, well-being and prosperity

Mantra Ganesh will attract good luck, well-being and prosperity

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Ganesh is one of the most revered gods in Hinduism, symbolizing wisdom and well-being. People turn to him with a request to bestow success, good luck and prosperity. Usually, the Mantra Ganesh is used for these purposes.

Ganesh – the deity of wisdom and well-being

the God Ganesh Also, also known as Ganapati, Winaiak and Wigneshwar, in the Hindu tradition personifies wisdom and well-being, is considered a patron saint of wealth, prosperity, good luck and trade.

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Supreme Supreme Sver Shiva and the second of his spouse Parvati, Ganesh has a rather strange appearance:

  • The torso is taken from a person, the skin is red or yellow, a bigger belly is noticeably highlighted, a ball, four hands;
  • Where human head should be the idea of ​​being, there is a head of an elephant with one wrist.

According to one of the myths about the origin of such an unusual appearance of the Divine, Ganesh’s head deprived Siva himself in the attack of rage. And then, repenting and wishing to console the unfortunate mother of his son, sewed his head of the elephant. Another myth tells about the fact that the head of an elephant is the result of the wrath of God Shan, who forgot to invite to the celebration on the occasion of the birth of Ganesh. Shani appeared on a holiday without an invitation and hesitated the head of the Divine Baby with his gaze. Then, on the Council of Brahma, Shiva attached his son his son from the first animal hit – they just turned out to be elephant.

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Ganesh is honored not only in distant India. Adherents of the Feng Shui teaching attribute to him the ability to eliminate obstacles from the life and make financial prosperity. The bronze statuette of the Divine is advised to put in the sector of wealth or career and from time to time “treat” his sweets (put on the candy, sugar) to conquer the benefits of Ganesh and get help from him at the moments of necessity. You also do not need to forget to thank it – for this it is enough to stroke God on the trot.

Ganesh – the embodiment of the Mantra “OM”

According to Vedic tradition, Ganesh is the embodiment of the “Ohm” mantra. Elephant Head, a wedding torso of the Divine, in the form of his reminds the symbol of “OM”. Large sizes symbolize wisdom. Big ears are designed to listen carefully and separate goodness from evil, the truth from lies. They hear everything, but at the same time perceive only good and true. For this reason, Ganesh responds only to those requests that come from the very heart of the aspecting.

Mantra Ganesh will eliminate obstacles to success and well-being

One of the most powerful and popular mantras facing God Ganesh is designed to eliminate obstacles to material prosperity and success. It sounds as follows:

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This mantra attracts positive energy, activates financial flows, makes them work for the benefit of the artist. It should be pronounced before the start of any important project, when making an important decision that can directly affect the future.

In order for this divine song to have worn, it is recommended to first learn by heart, and then weave already in memory. To make the right pronunciation, you can listen to the Ganesha mantra, contacting ready-made audio and video recordings. As an example, we give a video where the specified mantra is performed by the mind of Mohan – a popular Indian singer and composer:

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To eliminate all sorts of obstacles, there is another short mantra Ganesh – the text is the following:

The action of this mantra is manifested in the following:

  • eliminates all obstacles on the path;
  • Improves intellectual activity;
  • contributes to the right perception of people and occurring phenomena;
  • Helps to know the secrets of the universe;
  • Gives success in literature, art, commerce;
  • develops and revives the mind;
  • Strengthens memory.

Regular singing of this mantra accelerates the spiritual and social development of a person. Sample Right Execution Listen here:

How to fulfill and listen to Mantra Ganesh?

Each mantra is characterized by its manner of execution or listening. The force of the mantra directly depends on how it is pronounced:

  • Mantra, performed out loud, has an action on a physical (material) human body.
  • The effect of the mantra uttered in a whisper affects the thin body.
  • Mantra, read mentally, is already affected by the mental body of a person (mind).

Start reading the mantra of Ganesh is recommended during the growth of the moon. Practice the performance of the Divine Song is better every day, but nothing terrible will happen if 1-2 days are missing. The most suitable time to utter the mantra – the sunrise. Nevertheless, some people claim that they are more helpful reading the sacred text.

Meditating with a mantra should be in complete solitude, sitting in a spacious room with a window. It is very important to ensure that the meditation causes comfort. When some unpleasant symptoms appear (headache, sudden deterioration of well-being, fatigue, fear) Performance of the Ganesh mantra must be stopped immediately, postpone until better times and try to learn the correct pronunciation of the song. It is easy to implement if you regularly listen to the Internet on the Internet.

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Both when listening and during the pronunciation of Mantra Ganesh, a person must be in an absolutely relaxed state, try to feel the vibration of sounds. You can stay in the lotus position, close your eyes – in general, make sure that the meditation takes place in the most convenient atmosphere.

The number of pronunciation of the Ganesh mantra in one session should be multiple of seven: the minimum number of repetitions is 7 times, the maximum – 108. It is not necessary to arrange a long meditation session – enough and 10-15 minutes.

The beneficial effect of Mantra Ganesh

The regular practice of the mantra of the Hindu deity Ganesh is radically changing the life of the artist, opens up new horizons in front of him, makes luck and well-being permanent satellites. Even one meditation session is able to lead to astounding results:

  • The performer feels a tide of vitality;
  • It becomes easier to wake up in the morning;
  • It is easier to contact with the surrounding people;
  • Life is filled with new paints and impressions;
  • Every day passes under the harmony sign.

Good God Ganesh always patronize those who appeal to him with a sincere heart. He gives good luck and success, wealth and prosperity, attracts pleasant surprises and positive changes.

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