Health and Healing Mantras – Energy force for cleansing from negative

Health and Healing Mantras – Energy force for cleansing from negative

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Mantras for health and healing are used for many centuries. The body of the healing program laid the principle of vibration of live matter. Each cell of our body vibrates with a certain frequency. With violation or slowing, vibrations appear various diseases. The effectiveness of the Mantor consists in correcting the vibration range of patients and restoring the harmonious state of the body. Well-chosen mantra gives strength to clean the soul and body from negative.

Listen to powerful health and healing mantras

For centuries, a lot of sacred formulas were created for healing from various ailments. Some of them are directed to the healing of specific organs, some affect the body as a whole. Pick up for yourself the appropriate text of the text and practice regularly.

a) Mantra Ohm Tyzyambakov

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This formula is considered one of the strongest. Mantra brings healing from physical and mental ailments, sets up a positive way, brings joy and fills with happiness.

“Om Tyamambak Jajamakh

Suganhim Pushti Vardhanam

Urvarukova Badhanan

Mriteor Mukhyshia Mamritat. “

Mantra translation:

“We praise a three-chapted shiva carrying fragrance. Yes, death will fall from us, as a cucumber is freed from the stem. Yes, we will find immortality. “

Listen to the health mantra Om Tyamambakam:

Mantra not only heals, but also protects against accidents, diseases and misstain. The practice of this sacred text will eliminate fires, floods, drowning, bites of poisonous insects, air and railroad catastrophes. In the Hindu tradition, it is customary to sing this mantra on his birthday – it prolongs life and gives health.

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Before practice, you should open the mantra channel by saying about the following text (you can say in your own words):

“I urge the spirit of mantra to open the healing channel. Let the vision of the world of energies revealed, giving a clear understanding of my way in life. “

Also, this mantra can help heal another person. To do this, you must read it on the water, pour and give a sick. If there is no such possibility, just imagine how the healing energies surround a person and heal it. Keep this image before the inner eyes constantly.

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b) Mantra of excellent health

This magical formula retains the body from any diseases if you practice it regularly. Especially useful to sing the sacred formula daily during flu epidemics or other viral infections.

Put the mantra when traveling abroad to rest to keep yourself from any local bacteria and viruses. In exotic places, you can become a victim of ecto and endoparasites, from which we have no immune defense. Mantra will help avoid infection.

“Om Brah Brim Brum

SAKH Budhai Makha. “

Mantra needs to read 108 times in a row using rosary. Rosages from natural stone or glass have the property of accumulating the energy of sacred vibrations when reading, which over time enhances the effect of the practice of healing formulas. It is desirable to use these rosary for mantras for health and healing.

Listen to the mantra:

c) Surya Mantra Health

This formula contains an appeal to the Sun deity – Surge. Mantra is read only at dawn, at the first sunny rays. Practice helps to get rid of many diseases, as well as maintain high level health.

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“Om Bhaskaraya Vimmakh Mahadyutikaray

Dzhimakhi Tanno Amound Prachodag. “

Also, the mantra can be practiced before the beginning of any new business.

Listen to the health mantra on our site:

How do health mantras treat?

The sacred sounds and words from which the vibration code of the mantra is built, affects the subconscious of the person. It is in the subconscious that there is information about our healthy body. Soft exposure to cosmic vibrations on our subconscious body activates memory codes in which important information about our health is stored. As a result, with the help of singing Mantra, the body begins to self-defense.

Mantras can be singing in the process of healing with medicinal products: their strength will be spiritualized medical products for treatment and increase the healing effect on the body. Also, the action of the mantra is directed to the energy fluxes of the universe, which surround a person. The vibration range of sacred sounds changes the space and harmonizes it.

The singing mantras changes and the consciousness of man. Many diseases are rooted by improper thoughts or experiences. As a result of the practice of singing mantras, the cleansing of human thoughts, the expulsion of negative experiences and the destruction of mental blocks. All this contributes to self-healing and recovery.

How to read mantra for healing

The practice of Eastern spiritual flows determines the dawn or sunset watch for reading. In the morning you charge the mantra of spring or bottled water and drink it during the day. And so every morning until healing comes. You can also read mantras and drugs, and for food. Just do it you need every morning. You should not read the Mantra of the Trick for a few days: the strength of the vibration of sacred sounds is weakening and will not bring the result.

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After achieving the result of healing, practicing health mantras. If you stop reading the sacred texts, the disease can again attack your body and mind. Therefore, the practice of mantras should be regular.

Sing the mantra or listen – what is better? Beneficial influence provides both singing of sacred texts and listening to the record. If you cannot learn long text on an unfamiliar language, you can listen to it through headphones or player. At the same time, your mind should be free from earthly problems and tune in to the wave of divine energies. While listening to the mantra, you can not think about outsiders: the sounds of sacred words turn to your subconscious.

If there is no secluded corner for listening to the mantra, you can wear headphones and close your eyes. Ask home not to distract you a certain time, immerse yourself in the ocean of the sounds of the sacred mantra. Disabling consciousness from the outside world will help tune in to healing.

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