Removing damage to the egg from himself and another person

Removing damage to the egg from himself and another person

Obsession spells with pictures

Relief with egg is an old method of getting rid of negative energy. During the egg rollout, the thin structure of the damage is drawn by an array of eggs and remains with it. Subsequently, it is necessary to get rid of the egg – it is either burned or buried deep into the ground. If it is possible to drown an egg in the river, throw it into the current water. Consider several options for rollouts.

Decision removal technique

Before the rite of removal of damage, it is necessary to withstand a three-day bloodless post and to a minimum eliminate communication with people. These actions will help accumulate mental power for cleaning. So, after the full moon, prepare the following magic items:

  • icons and church candles;
  • fertilized eggs – 9 pieces;
  • New faceted glass with water;
  • White paper sheet.

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Before ritual, take a shower or wash your face and hands. Ignor in front of the candles icons, put a chair opposite the icons and sit down a manifold person. Take the fresh egg and begin to carefully run the patient’s head (stand behind the back of a person).

When running your head several times in a circle, go to the spinal column and move spiral down to the tailbone. Next, without taking off the egg from the body of a person, starting to roll hands – the right and left.

Important! Egg is impossible to tear off the body, it should constantly touch the person. The movement of the hand when the shootout goes in the direction of the clockwise circles.

If suddenly the egg will slip out of the hands and falls to the floor, continue to turn a rollout with another egg. Collect the egg collect the cellophane package and set aside – it will need to be buried in the ground. Continue the shooting by another egg from the place where they stopped. If it is impossible to roll over the human body, you can hold a rite by a photo on which a person is depicted in full growth without crossed limbs.

Conspiracy when shooting:

After the rollout, gently break the egg into the water (water halfway) and pronounce the spell on the water:

The shell should be crushed by hand and put on a sheet of paper. Moose hands in the bathroom and continue the rite. Now you need to consider what has become with an egg in the water. After interpreting the state of the protein and yolk, you need to pour everything into the toilet and say:

After that, it is necessary to wash the glass, in domestic purposes it is impossible to use it. Or leave it for new magic rituals, or throw it into trash. When washing a glass you need to talk the following words:

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Next, go to the wasteland or in the place where people do not go, and instil the sheet with a shell in the ground or burn it. After the burning ash should be covered with land. During incineration, they read continuously “our” and “life-giving cross”. Go without looking back. Houses wash hands in the bathroom on the elbow.

The rites spend three times – two days later on the third. If a person has become better, next week make one rollout and a week later – the last one. However, more than nine times the ritual is not carried out. If there are no improvements, you should choose another rite of damage to damage

Interpretation of yolk and protein

After you broke the testicle into a vessel with water, you need to carefully consider its condition. In the glass you can see different pictures.

Torn yolk

This denotes that the subtle structures of the biofield were subjected to strong magic shocks.

Yolk covered film

This speaks about amateur magic impact, which can be easily removed by several shooting.

Yolk with blood

This damage was performed using an animal, bird or man.

Yolk with black splashes

If the yolk boiled along the edges and is covered with black spots, and from it stretching the protein strings with bubbles – on a man felt deadly damage and torment. The customer of this damage is located in the nearest environment of the thowned.

Yolk coat

If the yolk at the edges looks cooked, the rifler wished for his victim of torment. However, compared with the previous version, this is not a mortal damage.

Yellow Nights

If the yolk stretches the threads up, the damage was made through the subsidence of the Dead Spirit. Sometimes the thread is visible to the thread, in which the sick human body is depicted. This damage is dangerous in that the spirit of the suicide or a killed person is treated.

After the sudden death, the soul of a person does not agree with death and is trying to continue his life – as a result, it pulls the vital forces from a living person, which leads to a cancerous disease.

Yolk stretched up

If the yolk forms the form of the obelisk and stretches upwards, the impact is assumed to the disease. If the vertex of obelisk is marked with a bubble on the surface of the water, the impact is made to death on the grave of the deceased.

Face of man

If you carefully look at the structures of a broken egg, you can see the features of the face or the shape of the rider. You can learn a familiar person. If the person is unfamiliar, the damage was injected at orders through a black sorcerer or witches.

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Love me spells that work

Remove the evil eye egg

How to remove the evil eye and damage at home with the help of eggs? For this you need to prepare three fertilized eggs. Shop products are suitable, which did not lie in the refrigerator. The rite is carried out with one egg, but sometimes it can slip out and crash. In this case, the rollout continues to be another egg.

Rolling should be started from the foot of the right leg and climb up the body. Finish the pallet of the left leg. They ride an egg in front of himself, trying to always be in touch with the body. Clothes must be chosen from natural fabric, without a belt. Well suited for these purposes cotton nightgown.

Important! Women remove damage and evil eye into women’s days (Friday, Wednesday, Saturday). Men take a damage on men’s days (Tuesday, Thursday, Monday). In church holidays do not make rites.

Kat on the testicle on the body is needed with a plot:

This rite can be carried out constantly, if you feel the ailment or decay of forces. The testicle needs to be taken out of the home and throw in a trash can.

Eight day cleaning

There is a rite – removal of damage to the egg for the night of 8 days; And how to find out who did it? To clean yourself from exposure through the egg, you need to pour water into a glass container or faceted glass (up to half) and neatly smash a raw egg there. On the container with the egg you need to read a plot:

Now the container with water must be put on the bedside table so that it stood next to the head, and not with the legs. Going to bed with a prayer, and in the morning pour the contents of a glass into the toilet with the words:

The glass container must be carefully flushed with prayer, the next day the rite is carried out again by the same scheme. And so 8 nights in a row. At the end, the jar / cup must be thrown into the garbage tank or leave for other rites. It is impossible to use these items as dishes.

How to find out who makes damage? If you carefully consider the structure of the yolk and protein in the first morning after the rite, you can see the shape and face of the penshot. If you have not seen anything, it means that the negative was picked by chance.

The rite with the egg brings not only a man’s biopol, but also the space room.

Removing damage with a egg without revelation

To clear the biocolate from negative, you can spend the next rite. You will need glass container with water, church candle and raw egg.

Gently scatter the shell and release an egg to the water – the container must be filled with water to half.

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The procedure for performing a rite is as follows:

We tray the vessel to the chakram – to the pattern, forehead, throat, chest, solar plexus, the center of the abdomen (below the navel) and the cock. Hold, reading any prayer or conspiracy from negative impacts. You can drive in a circle around the chakra.

Then we spend the vessel with water along the chakrov pillar (the spinal line) several times downward, reading the prayer. At the end, you need to take the container around the body of a person at the level of each chakra and put it on the bedside table for the night. So do 7 days in a row, every morning pouring water with an egg to the ground. Try to find a place where people do not go.

When pouring, you need to say:

The jar after the rite needs to be carefully soaked with prayer. You can not use the Bank in the economy – how to spend the cycle of cleaning, break it out on the street or throw away into the trash can.

Rewinding Pulling on the photo

How to independently remove the evil eye and damage the egg in the photo? Sometimes it is not possible to roll out damage on a person – he either lives in another city or lies in the hospital. Then take his photo and hold a rite with her. For the rite, prepare the following items:

  • Church candles – 3 pcs;
  • icon of the Blessed Trinity;
  • photograph of man;
  • holy water from the church;
  • Fresh egg.

Ship the table with a clean tablecloth and set the icon. Before the icon, burn candles and read the prayer of our and Trinity.

Start swinging the photo of the Egg, pronouncing the following conspiracy:

Conspiracy must be read 7 times in a row. Try to learn the words by heart. If it does not work, you can pry in the record. It is important not to interrupt the movement of the hand and constantly roll the testicle in the photo – clockwise circles. Start from the head and move to the legs, then in the reverse order. The egg will behave with a negative from the field of a person.

Clean the candles with your fingers and sprinkle the photo of the Holy Watch, then attach a photo face to the icon and leave until the next day. Candles use the same, on the last day they must completely ruin.

After the rite, the egg must be thrown into the garbage street tank every time. If a person did not better, in a week, repeat the rite.

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