How to remove damage or evil eye yourself

How to remove damage or evil eye yourself

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Oddly enough, anyone in his life can be the subject of the evil eye or its source is a huge number of times. The reason for this is very simple. The fact is that in a variety of situations, the evil eye is carried out unconsciously. What to do a person who was brought to, and how to remove damage or evil eye on his own?

Of course, there are different grandmothers, sorcerers and healers, however such people can often simply “plant money.” Therefore, sometimes you can try to remove the evil eye personally. Naturally, if a person brought a true witch, it is unlikely that home methods will help, but in many situations a spell or ordinary evil eye can catch up with familiar people. Therefore, a person is able to adopt the necessary measures to relieve damage or the evil eye. For this there are many times tested recommendations and methods.

What to find out if there is a slogony or damage?

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Consider three ways.

On the engagement ring

You need to take a wedding ring of gold and spend it on the cheek. If the white line was formed on the cheek, then this means that a person is fine. Black strip – bad sign. It means that some person wishes you evil and all current troubles and sorrows have appeared.

Also, the black strip after the ring on the face can be alarmed that a person is not all good with its kidneys. And if you suddenly began to green the fingers from the Golden Ring, you need to pay attention to the work of the heart. Therefore, the black bar can not always denote the evil eye.

On cheese egg

If a native man suddenly began to hurt, and his loved ones wanted to know if it did not smoke him, you should take the most fresher egg in the house (and even better, which was demolished by chicken), spend it three times in the face of the patient, who sleeps, pronouncing words:

  • “Rolish, the egg is cute, only recently the chicken demolished, for a man’s native man. You are rolling and opening to us, did not make anything a bad person to my native (name). “

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Such words should be repeated three times. After you should look, whether the egg did not look. If this happened, it means that the dear person fell victim to the evil eye.

If the egg remains fresh, it means everything is in perfect order, but there is such an egg at all, due to the fact that it has already absorbed important information about the native man of gadgets, and therefore it is able to harm if it is not thrown away.

On holy or spring water

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There is a different method. It is necessary to take the most pure in the house, the holy or spring water is better.

  1. Collect it on the night before Christmas or baptism in the cleanse of the bank and leave for 24 hours in the dark.
  2. As the day per day, you need to wash such water before bedtime, reading the prayer and placing a cup from your headboard.
  3. Water must suggest in the process of sleep, a man was smoothed. He can realize this if he sees a dream that anyone is glad of him grief. This may be anyone – familiar or absolutely unfamiliar people.

If at least one of the ways showed you signs of damage or the evil eye, the next part of the article will tell you how to remove the evil eye or damage yourself.

Rituals of the decontamination of the evil eye and damage themselves

On clean water

You need to take an ordinary glass with clean water (for this purpose you can also use a cup) and matches. It should be burned to the end of 9 matches, carefully filling on each subsequent from the previous one. Each burnt match is thrown into the glass, while saying: “Not 9th … not 8th … not 7th …” And then, while all matches are not loaded into the water.

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The minute should be waited: if at least one of the burnt matches suddenly became vertically, it was sharpened exactly, and the more such matches turned out to be such, the longer the deadline for the evil eye and more destruction he brought. If the matches remained swimming on the surface and did not drown, there is no decline and damage. In the end, I should say: “Good in the gate, evil leaves!” And draw this with a finger with a finger the cross on the forehead, chest, and then shoulders and elbows, at the end – on the wrists and zone of the solar plexus. It is necessary to make 3 large throats from the cup, and the remaining water is simply pouring out.

Remove damage by egg

You need to put a glass with water in the headboard bed. Knock out an egg with the words: “Take me all bad” . In the morning it will be possible to see that “strings” remained in the glass – this is the evil eye. You should see them, and after just stirring and pouring out.

On the door handle

You should pour into a mug of clean water, take it with a tablespoon, and after pouring over the door handle again into the circle. It is required through 3 handles – 3 times through each. And after such water, it is necessary to wash or plant the person who could jinx.

Ritual removal of damage on the candle and knife

It is necessary to light the candle from wax, from the new box to get twelve matches and a knife (the main thing, with a wooden handle!) Cut your heads. Fold the heads in a white saucer without patterns so that they formed a bunch. Set sulfur from the candle. In the process of ignition it is necessary to speak:

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“Along, Chap Take Black Gas. Of you ashes, but I, (my name), the world will become bright. So not otherwise! “

Then it follows all 12 matches without heads to lay out near the candle. Looking at this flame, you should say three times:

“My God! Machine with me 12 Tishin, 12 Kamchuzhev, 12 diseases of fatty and bone, breaking and custody! Keys and locks – in the water, and the fire itself – in the mountain! For glory, God! “

Then the left hand needs to be taken on the match and put on every new one from the candle. Sparks should be dumping in a saucer where sulfur remained. When all matches are burned, it is necessary to take a saucer with ashes on the X-shaped intersection nearby, and then leave it there with the words:

“That is removed that it is embarrassed. WITHOUT RETURN! Truly!”

Water dumping from damage and evil

It is necessary to read on a bucket or ordinary pelvis with water plot, and after one movement to pour water and read:

“Get rid of me, the slave of God, from a dynamic or double, from one-eyed, double-challenge, treglase, from one-to-to-the-plate, from the atomic and two-eyed, from his eyes and the Duma, from the oncoming and ghostly, from the fleet and transverse, from any bad person: From the young and idling, from the curve and blind, from the old, stray, from their eyes and from the Duma. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen (three times). “

If you remove the damage it turned out, be sure to protect. How to do this, look in this video:

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