Ryan Graves: subcommittee revelations are ‘tip of the iceberg’

Ryan Graves: subcommittee revelations are ‘tip of the iceberg’

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The former Navy pilot had spoken out about his own experiences during the recent subcommittee hearing on UFOs. One of several witnesses to testify at the hearing, Graves previously witnessed a UFO first-hand around 10 years ago.The object, whatever it was, had inexplicably ‘remained motionless’ despite Category 4 hurricane winds.

Now in a new article for Newsweek, he has claimed that such revelations are the “tip of the iceberg”.

“Today, these same UAP are still being seen; we still don’t know what they are; and our government has no idea of the scope of the problem,” he wrote. “That’s because pilots, both commercial and military, are encountering UAP, and the majority of these cases are going unreported.” “The majority of UAP witnesses I talk to are commercial pilots at major airlines. Often, they are veterans with decades of flying experience.”

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“Why then is our government turning its back on the UAP reports from credible eyewitnesses who are responsible for the safety of millions and are motivated to protect our national security?”

His comments echo those of other military pilots who, in recent years, have come forward to describe their own sightings while criticizing the difficulties inherent in doing so.

Whether or not the situation will change anytime soon, however, remains to be seen.

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