Netflix show ‘Encounters’ explores Broad Haven Triangle mystery

Netflix show ‘Encounters’ explores Broad Haven Triangle mystery

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A new Netflix show takes a closer look at a spate of over 450 UFO sightings that were reported in a remote area of Wales. Often billed as one of the most compelling UFO incidents ever to occur on British soil, the Broad Haven Triangle is the name assigned to a mass UFO sighting that occurred in Wales in 1977.Perhaps the most intriguing of these sightings involved a group of 16 schoolchildren who all saw a mysterious figure dressed in silver emerge from a cigar-shaped ‘craft’ which landed in a field next to Broad Haven Primary School on February 4th of that year.

“From behind some trees, this thing popped up in front of me,” said David Davies, now 57, who was one of the children who witnessed the object that day.

“It was silver, cigar-shaped and about 45ft long and there was just this thought that came into my mind that I had to run away. Mothers can tell when you’re lying and [mine] was absolutely convinced what I was saying was the truth.”

The school’s headteacher later asked the children to draw what they had seen. To his surprise, the sketches of the UFO and its occupant were all eerily similar. The same UFO was reportedly sighted again only a couple of weeks later, this time by some of the teachers and dinner ladies. One of them described seeing a ‘creature’ going inside.

Another strange sighting was reported a couple of months later by hotel owner Rosa Granville who was awoken in the early hours by a strange noise and saw a series of peculiar flashing lights through her window.

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When she looked out she observed what she described as an “upside-down saucer” in a nearby field and two “faceless humanoids” on the ground next to it.

“It was early morning and mum was woken by a buzzing noise and she thought she’d left the gas boiler on. Once downstairs she realized the noise was from outside,” said her daughter, Francis.

“She looked out and saw about 100 feet away an oval object she could only describe as a ‘space craft’ with lights, slowly land and two figures emerge in silver suits.”

The new Netflix show Encounters, which covers the Broad Haven incident and more, is now streaming.

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